Safe and effective, completely natural, easy to use and affordable …It’s no wonder, with today’s increase in mental health issues, that flower essences are having a renaissance.
Also known as flower remedies, flower essences are usually taken under the tongue as drops to help shift emotional and behavioural patterns. They can help with anything from sleep problems, anxiety and low mood to self confidence and procrastination and anything in between.
Saskia’s Flower Essences produce a range of multi award winning, high vibration essences hand made and bottled in Somerset. With easy to choose titles such as Calm and Confident and Sexy and Gorgeous and their clean looking packaging it is easy to see why these bottles of flower magic have become hand bag essentials for so many.
Made by Saskia Marjoram, former long time assistant florist to HRH Prince of Wales, her flower essence range has gone from strength to strength during the pandemic when mental health awareness was forced to the fore and anxiety and sleeplessness hit record levels.
“The great thing about flower essences is their ease of use and their safety. Because they ‘just’ contain the vibration of the flowers they come from they are perfectly safe to use alongside medication, supplements and herbal medicine. As well as the fact that they really do work of course. People are often surprised that just by taking a few drops for a few days their whole life can change.”
You can find out more about Saskia’s award winning range of essences at where she supplies direct to the consumer and to retail outlets, health centres etc. With prices starting at £10 it seems silly not to give them a try.