Geenie Hair is excited to announce the launch of its inspiring new range of sulphate free hair products, formulated to deliver a first-rate pampering experience to all hair types. From coloured and keratin treated hair to styled hair and hair extensions, the products restore shine, strength and sheen.
Geenie Hair Founder Dee Black devoted 10 years to formulating the product range. Her expertise as a hair extensions consultant specialist and experiments with a plethora of essential oils inspired her to transform her homemade hair remedies into an exclusive product line to rescue damaged and chemical-stressed hair. Enthused with Moroccan Argan oil, jojoba and flaxseed oils, tea tree, peppermint, rosemary and lavender, the carefully crafted concoctions can solve a myriad of hair issues including treating and preventing dry and flaky scalps and limp, lifeless hair.
Dee Black, Founder and Managing Director of Geenie Hair said, “I strongly believe that the less artificial chemicals a product contains the better the result. I like to use the very purest oils which have been laboratory tested and manufactured by G Baldwin & Co, London’s oldest holistic herbalist. The hair works in tandem with the scalp which is why nourishing the scalp with organic ingredients and products is so essential for optimum hair health. Such products should be a part of every woman’s routine.”
As well as being SLS free, all items in the range are PEG free and contain no artificial fragrance. Formulated in the UK, the GeeniePro range contains the 250ml shampoo, conditioner and hair masque and the company has also branched out into skincare with Nubian handmade serums for the face, designed for sensitive and mature skin. Designed to sooth itchy, dry scalps and combat dandruff, nourish course, dry and frizzy hair and add volume and body, the range also provides a deep cleanse for clean, soft locks.
Alongside her GeeniePro range, Ms Black also offers a variety of virgin hair extensions able to be fitted using seven different methods. Designed to blend effortlessly with natural hair, the professional extensions boost length and volume for a fuller effect.
Ms Black added, “The GeeniePro hair range has been made by merging many years of firsthand experience. Caring for hair is so important and that process begins with the products you use to clean and nourish the hair and scalp. Free of SLS and other nasties, the range is all-natural for women who want to take charge of their hair in the best way possible.”
To find out more about the GeeniePro range of hair care products or to find out more about the mobile hair extensions service visit