Skin Woof
Skin Woof is an innovative natural supplements business committed to providing premium, yet affordable, scientifically-backed beauty products that deliver lasting results for our customers’ skin from within without any hassle.
Skin Woof Founder, Ben May, launched the brand after a life changing event where he contracted hospital superbug MRSA. As a side effect of the powerful antibiotics he was prescribed to conquer the illness, his skin was left full of blemishes, gauntness and bad health which significantly affected his confidence at the time.
This particular low point helped Ben discover a new purpose in life; to inspire others to feel more self-confident and to do things that make them feel fulfilled. Ben spotted an opportunity to help others get the most from their skin and thus, give them that extra boost of confidence.
The current Skin Woof product range consists of Skin Woof Collagen Beauty Drink, Skin Woof Original Vitamins for Healthy and Radiant Skin, Skin Woof Tan Enhancing Vitamins and Skin Woof Vitamin C Radiance Serum. Visit for more information.